Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Six to Twelve!

So things have been a bit busy! I haven't much felt like blogging.

Last week was crazy after Wednesday. I went to some Jays games, including the last one of the season, met some co-workers for drinks, did some studying, and went to an AMAZING wedding for my friends Maggie & Cam!

Sunday was a recovery day, and Monday was errands and studying. The same for Tuesday. Today, I woke up with a brutal cold (it literally came out of nowhere - I got a headache, started sniffling (which usually goes hand in hand), and then couldn't stop sneezing! So today I spent the whole day in bed trying to recover.

On Saturday, I tried to make a smoothie for breakfast but sadly my Magic Bullet died. I could tell a while ago that it was on its last legs, but it finally went. I posted about it on facebook, and my mom had offered to help me out to get me a new magic bullet (I tend to drink smoothies a LOT for breakfast). And then on Monday, my wonderful, lovely, and hilarious Uncle Brett texted me about it. I thought he was looking for blender recommendations, but he actually gifted me a new blender which was SO sweet of him & so unnecessary! I ended up getting the NutriBullet - and tonight, I made myself a super healthy smoothie (spinach, banana, mango, greek yogurt) to help combat the cold. It was AMAZING and I can't believe how well it blended it - it was sooo smooth & delish. So THANK YOU Uncle Brett for the lovely new blender, and thank you Mom for offering to replace mine :-) You're both too kind, and I promise to make good use of it!

Tomorrow I'm hoping I feel well enough to head out to Starbucks for a study session, and then spend the later afternoon/evening cleaning. I will try to post more often!!